During the last two years I found myself having to interview a lot of people. Mindful of some bad experiences in the past, I promised myself to do my best: I wanted the people interviewed to feel comfortable talking to me.
What would I recommend to myself from two years ago?
1. Do not put the candidate in trouble
First thing: be kind.
No to brain-teasing questions, but yes to challenging questions. What’s the point of asking how many golf balls can fit in a bus? Propose a small refactoring or algorithmic exercise to solve together.
Try to drive to the solution: ask follow-up questions, but figure out when to stop.
2. Know who’s in front of you
Be prepared: do your homework and prepare for the interview, get to know the candidate through his/her resume, Linkedin, Github, …
Show interest. Try quoting something you liked about the CV or a project on Github.
3. Represent your company
Remember that the candidate is also forming an idea about the company, and you are representing it.
Sell the brand: each candidate is a potential customer of yours.
4. Don’t act like a hotshot
You’re not the greatest expert at everything, and it’s perfectly okay. Take each interview as an opportunity to learn (especially when you talk to people with much more experience).
Take notes of what you discuss during the interview: your memory sucks!
5. Improve everyday
Do shadowing as much as you can! Learn from other interviewers, join their interviews and make them join yours. Ask for their feedbacks.
Fight the bias. The worst thing that can happen is to have a group of similar people working together. Diversity opens the mind!
These are the advice I would have liked to have received at the beginning of my adventure as an interviewer. But the road to perfection is still a long one. If you have advice to share with me, contact me!